Updated Schedule!
Is here, as a PDF.
Wednesday June 13
3:45-5:15 Robie House Tour
5757 S. Woodlawn
[Please note: we only have space for 30 people on the Robie House Tour, so if you are interested email asap.]
7:00-9:00 Opening Reception
The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
Thursday June 14
Breasted Hall, The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
8:30 Anatoly Liberman
My Half-Life in Lexicography
8:55 Frank Abate
The Marketing and Merchandising of Reference Products in the USA and the Rest of the World
9:20 Don R. McCreary
The Microstructure of an American College Desk Dictionary and its Effect on the Comprehension of “Hard Words” by American College Students.
9:45 Muffy Siegel
What Do You Do with a Dictionary? A Study of Undergraduate Dictionary Use
10:10 Johnny Carrera
Webster’s Dictionary as Visual Reference
10:35-11:00 BREAK
11:05 Joseph Pickett
Considered and Regarded: Indicators of Belief and Doubt in Dictionary Definitions
11:30 Ari Kernerman
Some Suggestions for Improving Learners’ Dictionaries
11:55 Orin Hargraves
Americanization and its Mal-contents
12:30-2:00 LUNCH
2:45 Gerald Cohen
Origin of NYC’s Nickname The Big Apple; Latest Research on This Topic.
3:10 Anne Dykstra
Buter, bréad ind griene tsjiis Is goed Ingelsk ind goed Friisk
3:40 Lise Winer
Disentangling Etymology and Deciding on Orthography in the Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago
4:05 Shlomo Argamon et al.
Building A Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis by Automatically Analyzing Dictionary Glosses
4:30-5:00 BREAK
5:00 Sarah Ogilvie
World English and the OED Supplements: the mysterious case of the vanishing tramlines
5:25 Peter Gilliver
Early American connections with the Oxford English Dictionary, 1859–1884
5:50 Charlotte Brewer
Writers and the Dictionary: Auden and the OED
6:30-8:00 Michael Adams
Special Tour of the Dictionaries Exhibit, Regenstein LibrarySpecial Collections, 1100 East 57th Street
Friday June 15
Breasted Hall, The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
8:30 Connie Eble
Louisiana creole: an evolving ethnic label
8:55 Stefan Dollinger and Laurel J. Brinton
Revising the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles in the information age: Some insights from the letter “G”
9:20 Dianne Bardsley
Hermits, Hokonuis, and Huntaways: the distinctive rural New Zealand English lexicon.
9:45 Dan Cristea
Digitization of the thesaurus lexicon of the Romanian language
10:10 Arregi X., Arriola J.M., et al
Semiautomatic Construction of the Electronic Euskal Hiztegia Basque Dictionary (eEHBD)
10:35-11:00 BREAK
11:05 Orion Montoya
Care and Feeding of a Corpus
11:30 Benjamin Zimmer
Charting the Digital Future of Dictionary Research: Prospects for Online Collaborative Lexicography
11:55 Wayne Glowka
The American Dialect Society’s Words of the Year as a Lexicographical Challenge
12:30-2:00 LUNCH
David McCarter
The Body of Jesus and the Mind of Christ: Physiology, Psychology, and Christology in Scott’s Revision of Bailey’s DICTIONARY (1755)
Linda Mitchell
Creating Ethos in Early Modern British Dictionaries
Mira Podhajecka
Edmund Bohun’s Geographical Dictionary (1688): A Study in the 17th Century Geographical Discourse
Monique Cormier
Usage Labels in the Royal Dictionary (1699) by Abel Boyer
Rod McConchie
The simple pleasure of turning pages: The Cordell collection as a research tool
4:20-4:50 BREAK
4:50 August Imholtz
The Mushri-English Pronouncing Dictionary--Some Further ?aughts
5:15 Janet Decesaris
Dictionaries and Phraseology
5:40 Raphael Salkie
Assessing lexicographic relevance: a case study with a translation corpus
6:05 Marco Fiola
Usage Labels for Gender-Linked Language Usage in English and French
Saturday June 16
Breasted Hall, The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
8:30 Elizabeth Knowles
‘Spicing them up with learning and Latin’: changing uses for a dictionary of quotations
8:55 Michael Hancher
Imagining the Dictionary: Evidence from Early English Books Online
9:20 Donna Farina
Russian-English and English-Russian Lexicography in the Nineteenth Century
9:45 Ronald R. Butters
“Life’s Good” Trademark Litigation and Lexicography
10:10 Jesse Sheidlower
The Quotation Paragraph in Historical Lexicography
10:35-11:05 BREAK
11:05-11:55 Online Dictionaries Panel
Deborah Anderson et al.
Online Dictionaries for Historic and Lesser Known Languages: An Update
11:55 Paul Fallon
Designing a Lexical Database for the Blin Language
12:30-2:00 LUNCH
2:00 Julie Coleman
Wentworth and Flexner: An American Institution
2:25 Jonathon Green
Dating a Slang Dictionary: ‘Historical principles’ in a hi-tech world
2:50 Gary Simes
Sexual Lexicography
3:15 Lisa Berglund
The Parrys’ Dictionary: A Bibliographical Case Study for the Classroom
3:40 Salena Sampson
The History of the Genitive its: Examining the Role of Syntactic Information in Diachronic Dictionaries
4:05-4:30 BREAK
4:30 to 5:45
New Word Open Mic
Wednesday June 13
3:45-5:15 Robie House Tour
5757 S. Woodlawn
[Please note: we only have space for 30 people on the Robie House Tour, so if you are interested email asap.]
7:00-9:00 Opening Reception
The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
Thursday June 14
Breasted Hall, The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
8:30 Anatoly Liberman
My Half-Life in Lexicography
8:55 Frank Abate
The Marketing and Merchandising of Reference Products in the USA and the Rest of the World
9:20 Don R. McCreary
The Microstructure of an American College Desk Dictionary and its Effect on the Comprehension of “Hard Words” by American College Students.
9:45 Muffy Siegel
What Do You Do with a Dictionary? A Study of Undergraduate Dictionary Use
10:10 Johnny Carrera
Webster’s Dictionary as Visual Reference
10:35-11:00 BREAK
11:05 Joseph Pickett
Considered and Regarded: Indicators of Belief and Doubt in Dictionary Definitions
11:30 Ari Kernerman
Some Suggestions for Improving Learners’ Dictionaries
11:55 Orin Hargraves
Americanization and its Mal-contents
12:30-2:00 LUNCH
2:45 Gerald Cohen
Origin of NYC’s Nickname The Big Apple; Latest Research on This Topic.
3:10 Anne Dykstra
Buter, bréad ind griene tsjiis Is goed Ingelsk ind goed Friisk
3:40 Lise Winer
Disentangling Etymology and Deciding on Orthography in the Dictionary of the English/Creole of Trinidad & Tobago
4:05 Shlomo Argamon et al.
Building A Lexicon for Sentiment Analysis by Automatically Analyzing Dictionary Glosses
4:30-5:00 BREAK
5:00 Sarah Ogilvie
World English and the OED Supplements: the mysterious case of the vanishing tramlines
5:25 Peter Gilliver
Early American connections with the Oxford English Dictionary, 1859–1884
5:50 Charlotte Brewer
Writers and the Dictionary: Auden and the OED
6:30-8:00 Michael Adams
Special Tour of the Dictionaries Exhibit, Regenstein LibrarySpecial Collections, 1100 East 57th Street
Friday June 15
Breasted Hall, The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
8:30 Connie Eble
Louisiana creole: an evolving ethnic label
8:55 Stefan Dollinger and Laurel J. Brinton
Revising the Dictionary of Canadianisms on Historical Principles in the information age: Some insights from the letter “G”
9:20 Dianne Bardsley
Hermits, Hokonuis, and Huntaways: the distinctive rural New Zealand English lexicon.
9:45 Dan Cristea
Digitization of the thesaurus lexicon of the Romanian language
10:10 Arregi X., Arriola J.M., et al
Semiautomatic Construction of the Electronic Euskal Hiztegia Basque Dictionary (eEHBD)
10:35-11:00 BREAK
11:05 Orion Montoya
Care and Feeding of a Corpus
11:30 Benjamin Zimmer
Charting the Digital Future of Dictionary Research: Prospects for Online Collaborative Lexicography
11:55 Wayne Glowka
The American Dialect Society’s Words of the Year as a Lexicographical Challenge
12:30-2:00 LUNCH
David McCarter
The Body of Jesus and the Mind of Christ: Physiology, Psychology, and Christology in Scott’s Revision of Bailey’s DICTIONARY (1755)
Linda Mitchell
Creating Ethos in Early Modern British Dictionaries
Mira Podhajecka
Edmund Bohun’s Geographical Dictionary (1688): A Study in the 17th Century Geographical Discourse
Monique Cormier
Usage Labels in the Royal Dictionary (1699) by Abel Boyer
Rod McConchie
The simple pleasure of turning pages: The Cordell collection as a research tool
4:20-4:50 BREAK
4:50 August Imholtz
The Mushri-English Pronouncing Dictionary--Some Further ?aughts
5:15 Janet Decesaris
Dictionaries and Phraseology
5:40 Raphael Salkie
Assessing lexicographic relevance: a case study with a translation corpus
6:05 Marco Fiola
Usage Labels for Gender-Linked Language Usage in English and French
Saturday June 16
Breasted Hall, The Oriental Institute, 1155 East 58th Street
8:30 Elizabeth Knowles
‘Spicing them up with learning and Latin’: changing uses for a dictionary of quotations
8:55 Michael Hancher
Imagining the Dictionary: Evidence from Early English Books Online
9:20 Donna Farina
Russian-English and English-Russian Lexicography in the Nineteenth Century
9:45 Ronald R. Butters
“Life’s Good” Trademark Litigation and Lexicography
10:10 Jesse Sheidlower
The Quotation Paragraph in Historical Lexicography
10:35-11:05 BREAK
11:05-11:55 Online Dictionaries Panel
Deborah Anderson et al.
Online Dictionaries for Historic and Lesser Known Languages: An Update
11:55 Paul Fallon
Designing a Lexical Database for the Blin Language
12:30-2:00 LUNCH
2:00 Julie Coleman
Wentworth and Flexner: An American Institution
2:25 Jonathon Green
Dating a Slang Dictionary: ‘Historical principles’ in a hi-tech world
2:50 Gary Simes
Sexual Lexicography
3:15 Lisa Berglund
The Parrys’ Dictionary: A Bibliographical Case Study for the Classroom
3:40 Salena Sampson
The History of the Genitive its: Examining the Role of Syntactic Information in Diachronic Dictionaries
4:05-4:30 BREAK
4:30 to 5:45
New Word Open Mic
Labels: schedule
Hi Erin,
I noted one typo on the revised schedule: On Saturday morning, the schedule shows "10:35-11:55 BREAK", but I think it should be "10:35-11:05 BREAK" (otherwise people wouldn't come to my panel!). Thanks! Debbie Anderson
have fixed the blog post and will fix the pdf shortly!
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